tirsdag 19. november 2013

Back to normal life....

All right, so I guess we´re back to normal life, then.... tilbake til hverdagen....

but ooops, I forgot, I don´t have a normal life here!! I don´t have a schedule, a network of people, things to do, places to be at certain times and regular activities in the evenings.... what to do then?!?

I think I can say I have landed here in Hawaii and adjusted, to the hot weather, the new rhythm of waking up superearly and going to bed before 10 (so not me!), the ukulele and the slooooooow pace of life. It´s kinda nice, everybody even walks slower here. I was sitting outside Target (egentlig et slags Coop, men bare en del større!! Pluss at de har Starbucks og restaurant der inne!) waiting for my sister and watching all the funny people running errands.... did I say running?! Nobody was running (like those busy Moms I´m used to watch from Mezzanin (a Norwegian cafe in a shopping mall), then it seems like everyone is in a hurry to reach something!). Here everybody was waaaalking veeeery slooowly to and from the car. Fascinating! Whether it was families of 6 or youth by themselves! `All right,´ I thought, `I remember this. This is Hawaiian time!´

It is a bit scary after you´ve landed to realize all the things you take for granted in your daily life. Like - your car getting you from A to B. Like the waking up - knowing you´re heading to work or school or taking care of children. Like the every Tuesday night gathering with your housechurch. Or the Friday´s where you have a lot of time off to hang out at a café. Or just the people around you, whether it is the teachers, your colleagues or the salesgirl at 7 Eleven/Narvesen that hands you your daily morning caffeinfix, or even the weekly cleaning of your house that you usually are suppose to do Friday afternoon, but never end up doing until Sunday. Like your Mom that calls you every week, usually at night before the evening news on TV. Or like the mail coming in every day that you pick up around 3 because then you are sure it has arrived and you don´t have to check it twice... I could go on and on and on - it´s amazing how many small and big little things that are parts of a normal day-to-day life.

- which I don´t have right now. 

It is scary. A bit lonely. And a little bit exciting!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Bra skrevet, Renate! Nyt tida på Hawaii, alle kunne trenge en lang timeout iblant. Savner deg på jobb og gleder oss til å lese oppdateringene dine. Klem

  2. Hei du! Så kjekt å høre fra deg. Savner dere på jobb også og håper å komme tilbake en dag!!!

    Takk for det! Vi snakkes!
