Another week is over. Number six to be
exact. I´ve been here about six weeks, and to Christina´s surprise
I´m not yet tanner than her! I haven´t been going «suncrazy» or
off to the beach all the time at all. It´s surprising also to me.
Maybe it was enough with that incredible week in Greece with Ina that
gave me the sun I needed for this winter..? Anyways, I´m tan
enough and I would rather spend a day outside at a café overlooking
the ocean and think about nothing. Write a little. Read some news
online. Drink coffee and look at all the people walking by.
So – is the universe finally coming
into place again after some weeks away? Is there cosmic order again? Am I finding God in this place?
Well, I wouldn´t give any easy
answers, and nothing definite, but something is for sure happening.
It is so slow and goes by so unnoticed, though, that it is hard to
pinpoint what exactly is going on. But somehow
something seems to be falling into place, something inside and
something all around me. And maybe it´s not so much about me looking
for God, but more about God finally finding me... Right here.
Available. Open. Broken. Not expecting much of anything.
And the funny thing is that it´s not
mainly about what I do. Then it´s probably more about what I´m not
doing, not trying so hard to do everything right all the time. I
like to tease my sister about being a perfectionist when I watch her
cook, bake, clean or just about everything she does (which is quite a
lot!) - and then she throws it right back at me (obviously not for my cooking skills!) Well, maybe it´s not
perfectionism, maybe it´s more wanting to do everything right all
the time and getting so disappointed with myself when I don´t
measure up..?
But life coming back to me is
definitely mostly about letting go and giving up, and allowing myself
not to do. I think it lies in waiting. Pausing. Accepting. Always searching. And
getting myself to a place where I can actually think and receive
Isn´t this the coolest picture ever?!? My favorite kids taking a
30-second pause on sunbeds before hitting the pool again!! That´s how I
wanna be right now.
Høres konge ut! Ville dog byttet ut nyheter (SJEKK HVOR MANGE SOM SÅ FARMEN! og "Klepp kommune har enda ikke fått ryddet tursti etter stormen! Krise!" ) med bøker og gode blogger. Høres ut som du har fått merket effekten av å komme seg ut av hamsterhjulet. :) (y) Aspis.
SvarSlettFor noen gode "bilder", Aspis. Jeg elsker når folk snakker i bilder!! Hamsterhjul, den har jeg ikke hørt enda!! Tja, vet ikke om jeg er helt ute, kanskje det bare endelig går opp for meg at jeg er inni et?! Det er vel første skritt, eller?!? :-)
SvarSlettMen det e jo masse kjekke nyheter i Norge og. De fantastiske sportprestasjonene våre (utenom at Tora tydeligvis har fått det tungt i sporet) - og alle uttalelsene t Northug blir jo aaaaaldri kjedelige!!! (Verre med "Ble magesyk etter danskebåt-tur")
Det blir ein del bøke (mest krim siden eg lese så tungt stoff utenom), og blogger med mye bilde og lite skrift :-)