mandag 27. januar 2014

Culture shock!

I don't know what I was thinking leaving Hawaii for Norway in January with a thin jacket and high heeled walking shoes, but now I am having a serious culture shock!!

It was beyond freezing coming home. The wind going crazy and the darkness outside all the time. Being without cellphone (lost my sim-card), Internet and car (wouldn't start) for almost three days I lay mostly on the couch gazing outside at the grey or black sky, seeing the trees and bushes bending straight in the wind and wondering how in the world I ended up in this place!!

This is the first day I dared to step out of the house, for a quick walk from the M44 Mall to Expert with Astri close by my side. I don't think I'll try that again for a few months...

Is it possible to forget so quickly? Have I been so long in the sun that I forgot how cold and grey a Norwegian winter can be?!

The other shock is the prices!! So far today the lunch Astri was so kind to buy me + groceries + a few other must-have cost me more than I would spend in a whole week in Hawaii. I loved the new café "Jordbærpikene" (Strawberry girls), but what we paid for lunch today would cover a nice dinner at Hilton's. 

And it is so quiet everywhere!!! I can hear myself think far too well!!

Gee, Norway, I don't know about this. I had no clue coming home that I would have such a culture shock from the first moment I landed on the soil... Good thing winter doesn't last for ever, and that I always could go back to Hawaii!

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