lørdag 18. januar 2014

Pedicure experience!

I´ve been a pedicure virgin for the longest time - actually until yesterday!! Coming from Norway we don´t really care about showing off our toes all the time, sometimes there could be exactly 5 days a year that it would even be an option!! But living so much in the States the last 17 years it´s still a wonder how I´ve been able to stay away from the salons for such a long time.

Pedicure... foot massage... toenail-party... were all very foreign concepts to me until arriving in the States. I laughed hearing about it the first time, realizing that some girls actually would spend a considerable amount of money - regularly - on getting their toes filed and painted!!! That was beyond my imagination!!! I must have seen some clips from American High school movies portraying this, but still, I think I thought it only existed in movies!!! And not for real!

Well.... yesterday was the day... Christina pushed me into coming.... she herself went for the first time a couple of months ago, and this was already becoming her 3rd time!! 32 years without and now 2 months going three times..? Was there something here I had been missing?!?

So we entered in to another world, a world of nails and nailpolish and foot massages and hot steam foot baths.... I barely dared to say this was my first time, and I´m actually not sure if they really believed me. It took an hour!! And it tickled! Christina and I was wondering what kind of work they were actually doing that we hadn´t done ourselves for over 30 years!!

And the result came out nice!! Now I keep looking at my toes all the time, admiring them and feeling the softness underneath after the peel and massage. Maybe I have been missing out? Maybe it won´t be 35 years until I go another time!!

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