I said it before - but I love America!! I think I mentioned a list in another blogpost, there are just so many awesome things about the country and the people, but one of the things I looove the most are the way people behave when they meet. Open. Friendly. Not afraid of talking to strangers. I love going for a run and actually saying hi to lots of people passing me. Or men on scooters at times even nodding at you walking past them. I love how cars so easily let other cars in in front of them in line, and literally stops traffic to wave at little me on a scooter to let me come through - even though it is very little efficient and creating a long line behind them (and the system of STOP in every crossroad is slowing the traffic so much!)
I love getting compliments on Starbucks by a complete stranger ("I just love your clothes! You look so cute!")
and feeling free to give compliments the same way, experiencing the gass station worker going out of his way to help me fill gass (which was a stressing story involving two grown men, lots of power, but nothing working. At the end, after turning to Magnar on my iPhone, the solution - of course! - proved to be very simple, embarrassingly simple, and I returned to the gassman to tell the story. He was overly excited to listen and we had a good laugh). I love it, visiting my new neighbors just to say hi and ending up having a good chat and it makes me happy to look strangers in the eyes every day and get so many smiles back.

To top this I´m gonna tell what happened to Ina and me on the airplane. Before we even got seated I got to talking to the guy sitting next to us, and we ended up chatting and laughing and playing iPadgames the rest of the trip. Not long into our conversation, we realized he was an actor and got totally starstruck!!! Wow,
a real actor, sitting next to us on the plane, what an opportunity to learn more about acting business and how it´s really like. "It´s not a lot of red carpet!" he admitted. Well, maybe he is a B og C celebrity, but it doesn´t matter to us. He still has his livelihood in acting, and was in Hawaii to shoot a crime series with Discovery. (Wow! we thought, we´ve heard of Discovery!) The series is called "Murder in paradise" - season 2, episode 3. It was interesting and fun to talk to him, realizing that even though he does this for a living, and
does enter the red carpet every once in a while, most of his life is still pretty ordinary, and he himself is pretty normal!

Well, the story gets even better. He was staying at the luxurious hotel Sheraton not too far from where we live, and since we were such good company, he of course invited us to come and hang out, eat at the restaurant, do the hot tubs and the swimming pool and the party all night-kinda-thing!! So last night off we went on our two little scooters. It must be a funny sight, taking wrong turns every five minutes (I must admit I was the lead driver!), but finally, after half an hour, we arrived, fully alive, just a little bit literally blown away. Ina graciously changed from her grandmaclothes, and me taking off two layers of clothes and checking my hair that was going in all directions before we entered the honorable Sheraton hotel for a night of party with the stars!!!
It was fun - entertaining - good talks with several strangers (of course!) before another windy scooter ride back to our apartment that now looked common and very average to us :-) What a blast! It´s all about taking chances! And the lovely Americans!
We had to take pictures, of course. Who knows if he becomes an A-celebrity one day?!?
gosh! You make me laugh! I just love to read what you write. well done=)
SvarSlettThank you so much, Anonymous!! That was encouraging to read. Of course I´m curious to who you are, though :-)