I love getting comments. I will totally admit to that!! I love getting likes and encouragements, and I love it if people disagree or see things from a different perspective so they can challenge me!! I never say no to a good discussion!! I´ve been blogging for so many years now that I should have a celebration soon, haha! Back in the early 2000´s - when blogging was hot and super cool, I used to get lots of comments, on all kinds of random blogposts, and at times really interesting strings.
When I changed from Squarespace to Blogspot I copied and pasted over 200 old blogposts from before 2011 over to Blogspot, and if you take a look at those it looks like I only got 1 comment every time. But that´s just because I copied them all in one go, if you click on it, many of them are long strings of conversation.
I´ve been made aware from several people at different times that it is hard to leave a comment on this blog. Is that so? If so, you could comment on the Facebook-thread. But here are three ways of commenting:
Click on "No comments" and then:
1. See "Comment as" and click "Anonymous" - and then post your comment (leave your name under if you want to).
2. Click "Name/URL" (only have to put name) - and then post your comment.
3. Comment as: Google (your gmail-address) or TypePad..... or WorldPress...
Have you tried all of them and still can´t comment.... then I don´t know what you can do.... Maybe someone else knows?!
Please try it out.
And what about more people starting to blog again, like the old days?!? I would love that too!
Prøver igjen :)
SvarSlettJippi! Det gikk! Krysser fingrene for videre suksess og at jeg endelig kan gi tilbakemelding på innleggene dine :)
SvarSlettEg åg prøve igjen..for x gang!
SvarSlettWhat??? Nå gjekk d!! Ka skjedde?
SvarSlettNå kom d bare ett nr eg måtte skriva inn...før har det vært to...
SvarSlettSå bra det det funka, både på Anonym og med navn. Hvis det er en gang du ikke får det til, bare prøv en annen variant😊
SvarSlettGlad i deg!