fredag 4. juli 2014

Moving in!

So this week has been all about moving in. From the room with 10 girls living on top of each other, to a room with only 3... where one supposedly would move out in a little while. I could hardly believe it. Would we be only two girls living in that spacious room, only two girls sharing shower and kitchen cabinet?! 

Well, before I could even get excited about it a girl asked if she could move into our room the day after we had gotten in. And then another one asked... And then - suddenly we were six girls stuck together, totally crammed, stuff everywhere, girls everywhere... and I decided that I could either be a bit upset over it and start complaining, or think of it as more people I´d get to know really well these months.... and also, just accept the fact that this is #ywamlife and the only thing constant about that is change!!

So here are some pictures, with explanations under - from my moving in!!

Creating some privacy by using a sheet (laken)! Creative, huh?! When I want to be alone, I can just hide behind them, and be in my little cave inside!

How big is the bathroom? 25 square feet? (2,5 kvadratmeter)

Need more space for your clothes?! Why not hang them up above your bed, in your bed?!

I´ve never seen this before, I think it´s a clothes rack... to dry clothes on... but can be used to dry flowers for our classroom also!

One of the drawers in this dresser (en skuff i kommoden) was broken. First Margaret used it to neatly put her shoes side by side, but then she came up with a better idea! Voilá!

And when there is no more room left; you´ve stored your stuff in the dressers and under the bed and whereever there is a spot available, then you start building on top of other things!

Margaret also taught me how to have a warm hot dog meal, without having the luxury of a stove (komfyr/ovn) - put the sausage (pølse) in the tea boiler and leave it there until the water boils, and put the bread in the toaster as long as you would a normal slice of bread - and there you go - hot dog! Tastes just the same!

It really is an extraordinary life I´m starting to live, with extraordinary people, I´m beginning to see that.  With daily concerns of bug bites (myggen er aggressiv her!), using flowy clothes in the heat, what they are serving for lunch today, whether or not I get the bottom bunk or have to sleep on the top (big deal!) and just a hundred little and big concerns that I haven´t thought of while living in Norway. It is actually difficult for me to fathom or explain how different this life is from the one I had back home. And how different the people are here. I´m sure I´ll get back to that later, but it seems like the whole community is saturated (gjennomsyret) of a certain culture. It´s a radical culture, and a different one, and I´ve already wondered many times if these people are for real. They all have such completely different personalities - just like friends, family and people I know back home, but somehow they also seem very much alike, and are definitely people out of the ordinary!! I´ll tell more about it later, and find out for sure if they really are for real!!

Waiting for our 76 students to arrive today!! Exciting day!

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