My good friend Kayla (in the middle), one of my students in July´14 Awaken DTS that also went with me to Korea in January, was leaving us and Hawaii to go back to Canada for a while. It´s been hard to let her go, having been so close for a while, and not knowing when I´ll see her again. I guess the beauty and pain of this life, is the amazing people you meet that you become so close with, but then also so many of them coming and going in and out of your life. At times it´s heart wrenching, and it was when this lady left.
Right before my first conference I was given a "firkløver" - yes, with four of them! Is it just me that looked for these in my childhood, but only could find with 3?! Well, this was right after loosing $180.... and things were really chaotic before the conference, at least in my head.
Then the conference started, a 3-days-17-speakers-crazy-gathering with leaders from Singapore, China, South Korea and the States flying in to talk about how we can invest in North East Asia in the areas of sport, humanitarian aid, arts, business and agriculture. I met so many amazing people these days, and can´t wait to see what the outcome for the future will be. We had our last day at beautiful Kings Mansion (below), and ended with BBQ and sushi, talking about how we will put our thoughts and dreams into practice.
I got visitors!!! And even though the campus hotel couldn´t spell their names right (at all! It´s Heine, Silje and Anett!) I think they were pleased with all they experienced here. It´s amazing when people come all the way from Norway to visit!! Anne Berit, friend of Anett, was visiting some other friends here, and over the days we spent a lot of time together, eating lots of good food, enjoying the beach and sun and the waves around here!
Then we got to celebrate Easter together, with the whole campus and also with most of the Norwegians on campus. The Sunday Easter breakfast was the best. Lots of Norwegian food (even "brunost" and "Kvikklunsj"), Norwegian hymns and traditional songs I grew up with, and just great fellowship. This Easter it has been hard for me to set aside time to think and read about what Jesus did for me this time of the year 2000 years ago - I think my mind has been busy with so many things, so it was good to at least have these fellowship times and be reminded!
Me, Anne Berit, Anett and Maja (and her Mom Audhild) out eating together!
After 4 months (seriously!) living out of a suitcase (gosh it sounds even worse when I write it!), I finally got my own room (for at least a month...)!! I didn´t know how much I missed having my own space until I suddenly had it. Just to put all my things in closets and drawers and organize everything and have enough space for all my stuff felt amazing. Especially after those 6 weeks on the floor in Korea, living out of a suitcase, this is such a blessing! It´s funny how such a little thing as having my own room can be something I take for granted!
Then spending lots of time with this babe, after the other Norwegians left!! Anett and I have been friends for 21 years!! It´s awesome that I can still learn lots of new things about her, and our friendship can still change and grow. I want it to continue that way. It has been a blessing having her here, even though we figure out we only have either selfies or pictures of us when we´re eating or drinking something. Tells me we do a lot of talking and drinking coffee!! I want to continue with that also!
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