onsdag 10. februar 2016

Underrated show: White collar

Just a little TV show review before going to bed after a successful birthday party for Grete -
White collar? Did anyone hear about it before? It is amazing. Magnar is so proud of finding something so good, and at the same time pretty 'clean' and he has gotten Christina and I hooked to the point where we talk about 'our night being spent with Burke and Neal' (the main characters)!

TV shows are in the wind like never before. Forget about watching long movies and wait to see the big new plays in the movie theater, when you can watch 45 minutes here and there. It fits our daily, busy schedule where we often don't have time or patience to sit down for 2 hours and watch something. Now you can watch it little by little over a long time, and really get to know the characters and follow them for a while.

It is working. There must be hundreds of TV shows and more and more of them have several seasons, since the producers know you easily get hooked while started. Now it's almost like I know Neal and really want to see what happens to him.

Anyways, it has 6 seasons, it's 14-16 episodes in each, and it is fun suspense and easy going entertainment. Just interesting that I have never heard about it before when the story and everything is this good. It may not change your life, and it may not give you the deepest reflections on life, but you'll probably enjoy it while it lasts!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Spennende å komme innom bloggen din Renate.
    Jeg kom hit da jeg googlet om "å møte Jesus."
    Fin vinkling du har på det du skriver.
    Tror Gud velsigner Deg,
    og det vil han fortsette med.

    Når jeg leser hos deg tenker jeg på Jak.4.8 (Bibel.no)
    Hold dere nær til Gud, så skal han holde seg nær til dere.

    Bare fordi han er god.
    Og plutselig merkes det :-)

  2. Takk skal du ha. Det var kjekt å lese! Og oppmuntrende med det bibelverset 😉
