After my adventurous life the last two years - being a missionary, a master student, researcher, tourist - and living in Hawaii and Norway, and a bit in South Korea, for twelve days to four months at a time - I've come home to Norway for the first time without an immediate plan of leaving soon.
After fulfilling a long term dream of going into North Korea in August 2015 and seeing the country and the people with my own eyes I went to Kona, Hawaii in September to write on my thesis, hoping more adventurous doors would open up during the three months I was there.
They didn't.
Nothing happened.
I was surprised. But deep inside my heart I think I was prepared, though I did not want to admit it. So I came home to Norway in December fearing that maybe this would be my last travel for a while, maybe I was to settle down or at least, I feared something would change. After being very determined for two years and almost having the "writing on the wall" for my every move, the sky had started to cloud up the last months and when I came home it just went totally overcast, and this is where I am now.

So my Mom and then my sister have generously taken me in (and I have some amazing friends that have told me I can come stay with them anytime - what would I do without you guys??), Miriam and Lachie gave me their car when they moved to Australia (it will only last 1-2 months, but is such a blessing right now!) and I'm trying to accept that my life right now is in between. In between paychecks, in between work or a mission, in between housing and in between belonging. I'm trying to accept the culture shocks as well as the harsh Norwegian winter and the depressing darkness. I'm allowing myself to grieve. I let go of my dreams again and again and look at my empty hands while trying to smile at the future.

I got two words. Overflow (overskudd). And Joy.
And in the midst of winter's darkness, with the sky overcast, my hands empty and my cup half-full, I can feel it. Overflow. Joy in my heart. It's there. Sometimes I get so stressed out, and other times I am so frustrated, trying to control what little I can... But if I just pause and breathe and remember the important things - all I have that I take for granted, and the lessons I learn while being in between, I can feel it right away.
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